Naturopathic advice to preserve and improve
the health of children and that of their parents!

Come and discover what Vitalist Naturopathy is and how it can help you.
With simple daily gestures preserve and improve your health aswell as your children’s one.

Who am I?
When my 2 boys were born (now 14 and 10 years old) I was faced with allergy problems
food from the age of 6 months.
At the same time I endured 2 autoimmune diseases triggered during pregnancy.
Finding no satisfactory answer to my questions in the conventional medical world, I explored
tracks on the side of alternative medicine.
After experimenting with dietary change methods that have given surprising results, I
forges the view that food is really at the heart of what makes or breaks health.
As HYPOCRATE said, “Let food be your only medicine!”
This is the first very powerful key! But alone it is not enough to overcome health problems.
I then enter the world of Naturopathy beyond food to take an interest in what creates health
holistically, comprehensively and sustainably.
Amazed by the intelligence of the human body and its unsuspected self-healing capacities, I am keen to
share Naturopathic keys with all people who are motivated to preserve and/or improve their