Give your children an opportunity to fulfill themselves at school.
A school in which students participate to setting up their daily schedule and accomplishing their projects.
In which Montessori pedagogy tap into teens passions which serve as a jump board to live both purposefully and meaningfully their life.
In which the Montessori syllabus encompasses the whole French national educational program and beyond; but based upon experiential learning.
In which they benefit from their own field for growing plants, studying, digging as their own laboratory to carry out some research from ground to classroom and explore their surrounding world.
In which there is a clear path toward a fulfilled and balanced adult life. And the building of a strong engine for study.
A Montessori international middle school inter-age class opens its doors in September 2020, at the Colibris’ Montessori school in Biot.
Midschool at the Colibris’s is there for your teens to build themselves while creating bonds and Joie de vivre in a pro-active environment !
Thank you,